Services and Methodology

Live-Interviewer Text Message Surveys.

Live-interviewer text message surveys occur entirely within the text message conversation. Human interviewers using the Survey 160 platform send questions and code responses, answering questions if necessary. Experimentation has shown that for relatively short surveys, live-interviewer text message surveys outperform text-to-web surveys (see below) on both a cost and response rate.

Popular use cases include

  • repeated surveys conducted over time, offering snapshots of specific audiences’ opinions

  • surveys used to train predictive models of public opinion, such as those used to assess issue, candidate, or product support

  • evaluation of pre- and post-treatment measurement for interventions like advertising (digital or TV), direct mail, or peer-to-peer texting.

  • evaluation of customer, donor, volunteer, or member opinion.

  • short survey experiments designed evaluate which of several text-based messages is most effective.

Text-to-web surveys. 

Text-to-web surveys work better for longer surveys with more questions, or when specific media or question types are required.

Popular use cases include

  • longer surveys designed to inform and then evaluate participants’ opinions on issues in the news, candidates, or products, usually within a well-defined location

  • longer “baseline” surveys designed to gauge a broad view of important topics or issues and possible messages about those topics or issues

  • survey experiments in which respondents are shown video or other visual stimuli

  • some question formats, such as ranking exercises or MaxDiff, can be easily executed in a web-survey format

Methodological Research

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