The Platform

The Survey 160 platform allows interviewers to easily and efficiently conduct survey research via text message. If familiar with traditional telephone tools, it can be thought of as computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) for SMS. Interviews can easily be conducted by one or many interviews, in a single day or dynamically over time.

The platform includes:

  • Optimized survey setup tools, including skip logic, question branching, dynamic insertion of text, A/B testing structures, and options for both open- and close-ended responses

  • Real-time analytics on survey performance

  • List management and tracking, including permanent opt-out lists

  • Dynamic response-rate adjusted stratified sampling to optimize data collection proportional to targets (i.e. accounting for relative response rates of subgroups)

  • Management tools to assign and evaluate the performance of interviewers 

  • Deliverability rates of 89%+ (compared to the industry average of approximately 75%).

A separate texter interface provides a simple interface for interviewers to quickly send messages, easily code responses, and answer questions from respondents.